Hsu Yunghsu

쉬용쉬(徐永旭, Hsu Yunghsu, b. 1955)는 몸을 창조적인 도구로 여기며, 도예에 전념하고 있다. 그는 몸과 작품 사이의 대화를 강조하고, 작품의 주체를 몸과 통합하여 점토와 대면시킨다. 그의 작품은 흙 기반의 구조 내에서 촉각 및 운동 감각뿐만 아니라 세계와 그의 인식 사이의 상호 작용을 기반으로 만들어진다.. 가장 순수하고 훌륭한 도예 작품을 만들기 위해 작가는 복잡하고 힘든 제작 과정을 채택했을 뿐만 아니라, 가마에서 구워내는 데 있어서도 뛰어난 기술을 발휘한다. 끊임없는 해체와 재구성의 과정을 통해, 그는 무거운 흙을 섬세한 선과 모양으로 성공적으로 변형시킨다. 그의 경외심을 불러일으키는, 매우 “크고” “얇은” 도예 작품과 혁신의 매력은 모두 이러한 신선한 대비의 결과이다. “삶을 통해 삶을 초월하고, 예술 창작을 통해 예술 창작을 초월하고, 그리고 마지막으로 예술 창작을 통해 삶을 초월한다"는 그의 삶의 철학에 따라, 작가는 삶과 예술 창작의 경계를 초월할 수 있을 것으로 기대하면서 끊임없이 자신에게 도전한다. 작가는 자신의 작품에 자신의 모든 자의식, 신체, 삶을 깊이 담아낸다. 그의 작품은 각각 끊임없는 유동성과 반복, 축적이라는 복잡한 과정을 거쳐 만들어진다. 작가는 자신의 생물학적 본능을 이용해 물질을 물리적으로 변형시켜 “동굴”과 “구멍”으로 엮어 겹쳐 놓는다. 작가의 몸에서 태어난 이 동굴과 구멍은 본능적인 충동에 저항하려 애쓰지만, 결국 신성한 크로노스 영역에서 아이온 영역으로 흘러 들어가는 공간을 만들어 낸다. 작가의 관점에서 볼 때, 삶과 존재의 감각보다 더 진실한 것은 없다. 작가는 두 요소를 통해 감각을 보여준다. 그는 절대적인 신체적, 자발적 행동의 힘으로 자신의 살아있는 경험을 적용하여 원래 무겁던 도자기 흙을 섬세한 도예 작품으로 변형시킨다. 작품은 확산과 확장의 상태에 있는 것처럼 보인다. 작품은 동시에 부분이자 전체이고, 연관되어 있지만 분해되어 있으며, 분열되어 있지만 연결되어 있다. 작품은 자연스러운 욕망의 번영을 반영할 뿐만 아니라 갑작스럽고 극적인 창의력의 급증을 표상한다.

Treating the body as a creative tool, the artist devotes himself entirely to the field of ceramic art. He emphasizes the dialogue between the body and his artworks and confronts the clay by integrating the subject with the body. His artworks are created based on the interplay between the world and his perception as well as tactile and algetic senses within the clay-based structure. To create the purest and finest ceramic artworks, the artist not only adopted complex and painstaking procedures of production, but also exercised his superior skill in kilning. Through the constant process of deconstruction and reconstruction, he successfully transformed the heavy clay into delicate lines and shapes. His awe-inspiring, extraordinarily “large” but “thin” ceramic works, along with their charm of innovation, all resulted from such a refreshing contrast. Following his philosophy of life, that is, “transcending life through life, transcending artistic creation through artistic creation, and finally transcending life through artistic creation,” the artist keeps challenging himself, expecting to transcend the confines of life and artistic creation.
The artist embedded his whole self-consciousness, body, and life deeply in his works. Each piece of his works is created under the complex procedures of constant fluidity, repetition, and accumulation. The artist physically transformed the materials, using his own biological instinct to interweave and superimpose them into “nests” and “apertures.” Born from the artist’s body, these nests and apertures tried in vain to resist their instinctive drive, and therefore created the spaces that drift from the divine realm of Chronos to that of Aion. As far as the artist is concerned, nothing is more genuine than the senses of life and existence. The artist exemplifies the senses with the two exhibited works. By virtue of absolute corporeal and spontaneous actions, he applied his living experiences to transforming the originally heavy porcelain clay into his delicate ceramic artworks. They seem to be in a state of proliferation and sprawling. They are simultaneously the parts and the whole, associated yet decomposed, and fractured yet connected. They not only reflect the thriving of natural desires, but also symbolize the sudden and dramatic surge of creativity.

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Artist Information

This CV is updated in 2025

Hsu Yunghsu 徐永旭

b. 1955

2007 MFA, Candidate of Ceramic Art, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Ever-growing Gestalt – Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2022 Boudary – Yunghsu Hsu Solo Exhibition, San Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
2021 Taiwan Ceramic Awards the Excellence Award Solo Exhibition, New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2021 Monad · Epimorphism – Hsu Yungsu Solo Exhibition, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2021-22 Object/Self—Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Juming Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2020 Surmounting—Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Moon Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2019 A World Made Light—Yunghsu Hsu, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2018 Unfettered Encompassment—Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Solar Motion—Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Moon Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2016 Art Stage Singapore Special Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore
2016 The Miniature Being—Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan
2016 Miniature—Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Taishin Bank, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 S&H Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Select Group Building, Singapore
2015 Helios HiOK-Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Art Taipei 2015, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2014-2015 Outstanding Alumni Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2014 Prototype-Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Moon Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2014 Enlightened Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu 1992-2014, Cheng Shiu University Office of Arts and Culture, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013 Streaming – 2013 Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, National Central University Art Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2012 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition – Becoming. Refain, Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2009-200 Iteration – In between Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Re-echo. Écart : Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Tai Yu Beaux Arts Salon, Chiayi, Taiwan
2009 Repeat – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Moon Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition: Theater of Clay, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung Taiwan
2007 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Werby Gallery, California State University Long Beach, California, USA
2006 Transcending Boundaries – Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Exhibition, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2005 Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Moon Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2005 Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2004 Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, College of the Ozarks’ Art Center, Point Lookout, Missouri, USA
2004 Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Leedy-Voulkos Art Center, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
2003 Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Utopia Ceramics Garden Living Gallery, Chiayi, Taiwan
2002 Myth – Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Ching-Tao-Fang Ceramics Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2001 Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Exhibition, Contemporary Ceramics Gallery, Miaoli, Taiwan
2001 Seat. Seat. Seat. – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Open-Air Ceramic Sculptures Exhibition, Original Cultural Village, Nantou Country, Taiwan
2001 1995-2001 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Kaohsiung Cultural Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2001 Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, The Fifth Shanghai Arts Exposition, Shanghai, China
2000 Seats – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Ching-Tao-Fang Ceramics Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2000 Seat. Seat. Seat – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Open-Air Ceramic Sculptures Exhibition, Juming Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
1999 Century Dance Musical – 1999 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Taiwan Province Arts Museum, Taichung, Taiwan
1999 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Gorgeous Ceramics Vineyard, Taipei County, Taiwan
1999 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Ceramics Exhibition, Contemporary Ceramics Gallery, Miaoli, Taiwan
1998 Dance Clay vs Clay Dance – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Ching-Tao-Fang Ceramics Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1997 Hsu Yunghsu’ 97 Solo Exhibition, Zhenping Arts Center, Taichung, Taiwan
1996 Dramatic Life – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Ching-Tao-Fang Ceramics Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1996 Hsu Yunghsu’ 96 Solo Exhibition, Taipei Country Cultural Center, Taipei County, Taiwan
Group Exhibitions
2024 We Are Born by the River: Collaborative Notes of Millennium River Basin Culture, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan
2022 Trans Figurative Field: The Winding Paths in the Forest of Art, DAXIN ART MUSEUM, Tainan, Taiwan
2022 A Dialogue Between Strength and Gentieness LEE Zai-Qian & Hsu Yunghsu Duo Exhibition, LIANG Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 TAIWAN CERAMICS AWARDS, Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei city, Taiwan
2022 Kaohsiung, Senior High School 100th Anniversary Group Exhibition, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2021 Since the Prime Meridian is Met, Moon Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2021 The Power of Contemporary Taiwanese Ceramics, Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu, Japan
2021 Derivation Scenery, Lotus Art Gallery, THOMAS CHIEN RESTAURANT, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2020 Super Spontaneous Chi: A Route 119 South Villagers’ Exhibition, DAXIN ART MUSEUM, Tainan, Taiwan
2020 Particle and Wave: Paper Clay Illuminated, Utah Museum of Fine Arts, State of Utah, USA
2019 【South / 23º】 Around Tropic of Cancer the Richness in the Air Forest Group Exhibition, DAXIN ART MUSEUM, Tainan Taiwan
2019 An Imaginary Screenplay “Tannhauser Gate”, Galerie Pierre, Taichung, Taiwan
2019 Particle and Wave: Paper Clay Illuminated, ASU Art Museum, Arizona, USA
2018 60th Biennale exhibition of Faenza Prize, The International Museum of Ceramics, Faenza, Italy
2018 Humanistic Return-The Spiritual Origin of Ceramic Art- Taiwan Ceramics Biennale New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2017 2017 Next Art Tainan-the story of contemporary art in Taiwan, Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan
2017 Infinite Forms-The Contemporary Ceramics in Taiwan, New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2017 15th Swell Sculpture Festival, Currumbin beach, Gold Coast, Australia
2016 Ink Gene 2016, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 The Possibility of an Island—2016 Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2015 Subsurface Inclination, Kalos Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Our Eyes, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 GO MAD, MAD Museum of Art & Design, Singapore
2013-2014 Reverse Osmosis. Migration of Contemporary Sculpture Forum, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2013-2014 Seed Projects IV – Mind on Forms, Mobile Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Wonderland Garden Public Art Model Exhibition, Taipei New Horizon, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Sculpture by the Sea – 17th Annual Bondi Exhibition, Sydney, Australia
2013 Hsinchu Art & Sport Festival – City Landscape Art Exhibition, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2013 Ceramic Art in Asia – The Communion of New Generations, Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa / Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum, Seto, Japan
2012-2013 Water Fire Wood Gold Earth – Five elements twenty-five artist Sculpture Exhibition, IT Art House, Taipei, Taiwan
2012-2013 New Site – East Asian Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition, New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2012 Turn Back Time – Splendor of Intersection, Galerie Pierre, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 Very Fun Park, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 The exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics in Taiwan Seeing a large color range of Earth as symbols, Museum of Contemporary Art Chengdu, Chengdu, China
2011 The exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics in Taiwan – Chengdu Biennale Special Invitation Exhibition, Chengdu East Music Park, Chengdu, China
2011 Material Language – Soil, Juming Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2010 NCCU Very Fun Park, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 6th International Sculpture at Racconigi : The Present and the Experience of the Past, Royal Castle of Racconigi, Racconigi, Italy
2010 1st International Triennale of Kogei in Kanazawa, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art Kanazawa, Kanazawa, Japan
2010 Seed Projects II – Art with Mountain Land Art Installation Exhibition Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Surveying and Testing the Foundations – Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture in Taiwan, Taipei County Yingko Ceramics Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
2009 Elegance and Intellectual Brilliance of Kaohsiung County II, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung County Government, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan
2009 Gaze, Taiyu Beaux Arts Salon, Chiayi, Taiwan
2008 Very Fun Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Asia Ceramics Network, National Art Gallery Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2007 66 – 798 Cross-Strait Ceramics Exhibition, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China
2006 Art of Kaohsiung 2006 : Kaohsiung Ceramics – Continuity and Innovation, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2005 Awareness of Life – Self-Portrait Thematic Exhibition, Soaring Cloud Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2005 Tachi 66, NCECA, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
2004 Taichi 66, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Chiayi City Art Center, Chiayi, Taiwan
2004 Tachi 66, National Chiao Tung University Arts Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2003 International Ceramics Exchange Exhibition, Yi-xiang Arts Center, Tainan, Taiwan
2003 Anseong Machum Ceramic Art Festival International Invitation Artist Exhibition, Chung-Ang University Arts Center, Anseong, South Korea
2002 Lively Clay – Contemporary Ceramics in Taiwan, Zhong Zheng Art Gallery, National Taiwan Arts Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2002 International Asia-Pacific Contemporary Ceramics Invitational Exhibition, Taipei County Yingko Ceramics Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
2001 The International Large-Scale Ceramics Sculpture Exhibition, Taipei County Yingko Ceramics Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
2001 The Dissolve In Earth And Fire, Taipei County Yingko Ceramics Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
2000 2000 Mokpo International Ceramics Pre-Expo, Mokpo Cultural Complex, Mokpo, South Korea
2000 Oriental Ceramics Exhibition, Kyonggi University, Suwon, South Korea
1999 The Pottery Era – Earthenware Flowers Dancing in Spring Breezes, Taipei County Cultural Center, Tapei County, Taiwan
1999 Ceramics Association Beijing Exchange Exhibition, National History Museum of China, Beijing, China
1998 Taiwan Province Ceramics Association Members Group Exhibition, Tainan County Cultural Center, Tainan County, Taiwan
1998 Colors of Ceramics – 1998 ROC Ceramics Association Members Exhibition, Kaohsiung Cultural Center, Kaohsiung / Tainan Conty Cultural Center, Tainan County, Taiwan
1998 Hsu Yunghsu & Lin Hsiuniang’s Ceramics Exhibition, Shuili Snakekiln Ceramics Cultural Park, Nantou County, Taiwan
1997 The First ROC & PRC Ceramics Festival, Taiwan Provincial Arts Museum, Taichung, Taiwan
1997 Kaohsiung Cultural Exhibition, Modern Art Association of Kaohsiung, Tainan Cultural Center, Tainan, Taiwan
1997 Feng Yi Ceramic Group Exhibition, Kaohsiung County Cultural Center, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan
1996 Ceramics and Life – National Ceramics Union Exhibition, Zhong Zheng Art Gallery, National Taiwan Arts Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
1995 Feng Yi Ceramic Group Exhibition, Kaohsiung County Cultural Center, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan
1995 Nantou 200th annual Special Exhibition, Nantou County Cultural Center, Nantou County, Taiwan
1994-1995 Taiwan Provincial Ceramic Art Association Members Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
1994 Yungfang Four People Exhibition, Kaohsiung County Cultural Center, Kaohsiung County / Pingtung County Cultural Center, Pingtung County / Kaohsiung Municipal Social Education Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1993 Intoxicated Ceramics Ten people’s Exhibition, Fong-Shan Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan
2021 2021 Taiwan Ceramics Awards The Excellence Award, Taiwan
2017 Grants, International Exchange Exhibition, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan
2014 Distinguished Alumnus of Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan
2013 Grants, International Exchange Exhibition, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan
2009 Grants, Visual Arts Exhibition, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, Taiwan
2008 Grand Prix, The 8th International Ceramics Competition, Mino, Japan
2007 The 4th World Ceramic Biennale South Korea-Transcending Boundaries, Regular Grants, Visual Arts Category –Creation
2005 Regular Grants, Visual Arts Category – Exhibition, National Cultural and Arts Foundation, Taiwan
2004 The Jury’s Special Award, The First Taiwan Ceramics Biennale, Taiwan
2000 Finalist, The 6th Taiwan Golden Ceramics Award, Taiwan
Permanent Public Collection
2020 Pingtung Art Museum, Pintung, Taiwan
2020 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2019 Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan
2017 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2015 Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu, Tajimi, Japn
2007 National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2007 World Ceramic Exposition Foundation, Icheon, South Korea
2005 Point Lookout, Missouri, USA
2003 Anseong Machum Ceramic Art Festival Promotion Committee, Anseong, South Korea
2000 Kyonggi University, Suwon, South Korea
1999 National Science and Technology Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1999 Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
1995 Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
1995 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1994 Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
2007 Artist in Residence, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, California, USA
2005 Artist in Residence, Rochester Institute of Technology, Henrietta, New York, USA
2004 Artist in Residence, College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Missouri, USA
2004 Artist in Residence, The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Koka, Japan
2003 Artist in Residence, The Pottery Workshop, Shanghai, China