2014. 3. 12 (Wed)- 3. 30 (Sun)
2014. 3. 12 (Wed) / pm 6

Artist Infomation

김 희 영  Kim, Hee Young

B. 1955 , Korea

1986 M.F.A Graduate School, Department of Oriental Painting, Seoul National University
1979 B.F.A College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University

2004 Gallery Artside (Korea)
1993 Garam Gallery (Korea)

2011 Hanbyeok Members Prize Exhibition (Hanbyeokwon Gallery, Seoul)
2010 France-Coree VI ( Esposition Espaceturel, St, Denis en Val, France)
2009 The 16th Korea Art International Open-Exhibition (Korea Art International Exchange Association, Gallery Qualia, Seoul)
2008 Olympic International Fine Art Prize Exhibition (China Xian Yangboru Gallery, Xian, China)
50 Artists’ Small Korean Art Exhibition (Hakgojae Galley, Seoul)
2007 Pear Blossoms and White Moon (Art Forum New Gate, Seoul)
2006 Chinese-Korean Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition (Shenzhen Fine Art Institute Hosted by Seoul Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China)
2005 Korean-Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul)
The 1st Taipei Contemporary Ink Painting Biennale (Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan)
2004 Bun Dang Fine Arts Exhibition (Gallery Samsung Plaza, Korea)
Bun Bun Hab Hab (Gallery Art Link, Korea)
Exhibition of Fan Shape Painting (Gallery Sejong Center)
2003 Exhibition of the 50th Anniversary of Young In University (Kong Pyung Art Center, Korea)
Bun Bun Hab Hab (Gallery Art Link, Korea)
Bun Dang Fine Arts Exhibition (Gallery Samsung Plaza, Korea)
2002 Bun Bun Hab Hab (Duk Won Gallery, Korea)
Art World Cup (Exhibition Hall of City of Koyang, Korea)
2001 The scent and Shape of Ink-Contemporary Ink Painting of China, Japan and Korea (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea)
2000 Eco-Feminism (Duck Won Gallery)
Bun Bun Hab Hab (Katherine E-Nash Gallery, MN, U.S.A)
Bun Dang Fine Arts Exhibition (Gallery Samsung Plaza, Korea)
1999 Exhibition of the Awarded Artist of Jung Ang Grand Art Exhibition (Hoam Gallery, Korea)
The Korean Modern Painting (Gallery Sang, Korea)
Bun Dang Fine Arts Exhibition (Gallery Samsung Plaza, Korea)
1998 Brush Work, The Free Expression ( Kong Pyung Art Center, Korea)
Bun Bun Hab Hab (Chong Ro Gallery, Korea)
1997 ’97 Opening Exhibition of Gallery Sang (Gallery Sang, Korea)
’97 Trend and Development of the Korean Contemporary Art (Kowoon Art Museum, Korea)
1996 Korean Painting Today – Situation and Prospect (Duk Won Gallery, Korea)
1995 Bun Bun Hab Hab (Chong Ro Gallery)
1993 ’93 Sae Mi (Duk Won Gallery , Hurr’s Gallery)
16th Jung Ang Grand Art Exhibition (Hoam Gallery, Korea)
Bun Bun Hab Hab (Dahn Sung Gallery, Korea)
1994 ’94 VISAVIS (Dahn Sung Gallery, Korea)
Aesthetic of Profundity-Rediscovery of Ink Painting (Kong Pyung Gallery, Korea)
1992 You Eum by 16 Artists (Gallery Icon)
15th Jung Ang Grand Art Exhibition (Hoam Gallery Korea)
Grand Art Exhibition of Korea (National Museum of Modern Art, Korea)
Bun Bun Hab Hab (Gallery Hong, Korea)
1991 Exhibition of Shape by 11 Artists (Baik Song Gallery, Korea)
1989 Korean Painting-New Form & Spirit (Fine Arts Center, Korea)
1988 Korean Painting-New Direction of Consciousness (Dong Duck Gallery, Korea)
Impression of Human Being (Gallery Sangmoondang, Korea)

Seoul Art Museum, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

이 춘 복  Lee, Chun Bok

B. 1971 in Korea

Installation View